UX + Product Design
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Data | Life

Data | Life


Data | Life

App + Conference Experience Design

WIRED’s Data Life is a new kind of health conference. Its purpose is to bring together data, technology, and design in order to expand the future of healthcare. It is a collaborative event designed to stimulate startups, rouse care providers, and inspire health-minded business leaders and individuals alike.


Conference App

The three day conference was held in New York City. The purpose of the Data Life app was to organize the large amount of conference information and to provide a customizable experience for attendees. Attendees can connect with others, customize and share schedules, and use a built-in map feature to find opportunities in NYC outside of the conference to network and relax with colleagues. 

DL Sitemap.png


The process of making Data | Life was just as important as the final product. Being able to think through the design and functionality of an app on paper is, in my opinion, one of the most crucial (and really fun) parts of the design process. 



I was then able to take those thoughts and organize them to produce wireframes & final comps that aligned with the original goals of the app. For the main screen, for example, I used this process to allow users quick access to the most important information first. 


Program & Badge